
Here, we'll be addressing the question
that we're sure is on everybody's minds:

What the heck is Mortal Revelation about?

............ =D

Sorry, can't tell you! It'd ruin the story. Really. Though from the prologue you should've been able to deduce that psychic phenomena will somehow come into play. ;)

Just as a warning though, in future chapters MR will contain (for the most part, implied) homosexual relationships, foul language, religious fanatics, and much, much violence with and beyond the bleeding and the ouch and whatnot.
Don't like? Buh-bye!
Remember, it's all in good fun, people.

The comic will be updated at random, what with the interference of school and work, but for now we're going to try (emphasis on "try") for Mondays and Fridays. Thanks for stopping by!

Got questions or suggestions? Email us at, or deviantArt members can leave a comment on either of our sites!
Pyro / Killjoy

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